Sunday, September 6, 2015

Dream On

Dreams are alive and in High Definition!!!! 💜

When you finally set goals in front of you and start realizing your purpose everything changes.

Have hope, cultivate faith.  I use cultivate because it's work and consistency.   Everyday reinforcement of your belief that it's going to happen. (Whatever your "it" may be).  It's a lot of work to get there!   I finally get it and it makes me happy.  I not only hope but have faith that I will create my happily ever after.  I don't have to wait on anyone else to save me and make my happiness for me.  Beautiful things are coming my way.  Maybe now I understand Pinterest.   Its a digital version of a vision board.   I love it even more now.   I have some ideas of what I want for my brand new life and excited!!!  We all should be happy to make ourselves happy.  So go dream in bright bold colors!

Smooches 😘

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Princess and the Frog

I had to chuckle to myself about a story I heard about this young man.  A young lady who was kinda like a princess and prided herself as having high standards with basically everything education, political views, men and relationships wasn't really searching for a man.  However,  she eyed this young man and made herself very conspicuous in his presence.   The young man was handsome, educated and by all rights was successful.   Now these two had much in common it appeared they were a good if not perfect match.  But the princess had lofty goals and her ideals for the perfect man may have been too high for the young man.  He also had ideals for the perfect woman.   He also sought someone of a paticular look and impressive background.  In his search for his ideal he never noticed the plain, young lady in the background who was willing to accept him as he was flaws, and all, who adored him from a distance because she didn't fit.
  Sometimes we are so busy trying out people we think fit our ideals, our goals and ambitions that we forget we are individuals.   We are looking instead of noticing qualities that we don't even know would benefit us, take care of us or make us happy because the outward appearance and resume don't match.  Hence the Princess and the frog story.  The Princess was busy looking for a Prince but couldn't tell the frog was the perfect fit till she kissed him.  Same for the young man at the beginning of this story he was so busy with the outward (granted the Princess laid it on pretty thick) that he missed out on someone truly special.  So just because someone is highly educated,  seemingly successful and appears to have it all together even they can be rejected because the other person doesn't think they're enough or did enough or reached their unreachable criteria.    Can't we all just be frogs and kiss and watch the miracle of love transforms us into the partners we were meant to be?

Monday, September 29, 2014


My latest endeavor!

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

So here's my latest self revelation:  There's no time to regret the past!!!!  There's a lot of things wish I pursued in my younger days.  I wanted to be a writer and took the classes at UCLA.  I should've waited to settle down and pursued my career.  I could've went back to school several times.  I would've stayed in the one class I was taking to the end instead of quitting because of scheduling conflicts.

Well time waits for no one!  Now I have to take opportunities as I see them.  Stop postponing things and most of all follow through.  Not just get excited about a thought but keep going to see it to the end.  Maybe that's why I've started and stopped weight loss programs soo many times.  Finally getting to the point of being happy with myself (and yes I'm still plump and I don't care what anyone else thinks!)  I'm going to stop being afraid to take risks and live my life live and in living color.  I want to live my life eclectic, with wild hair, loud laughter, good food and love!  Especially love!  I had closed myself off to love of another person because it's safe.  I don't get hurt if I don't put myself out there.  Tired of being prim and proper, doing what I thought everyone else thinks I should or what everyone else thinks is the right path

So I throw off the confinements of society, I love me and I am going to live how I want to live!! Plump, vixen, hippie, free spirit, still a mom, new soundtrack, and laughing all the time.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Beautiful Sunday morning, 

The most beautiful thing ever to me was looking into my daughter's eyes.  She has the most gorgeous eyes.  I used to call her burgundy because that's the color her eyes appeared to have in my mind.   Like melted milk chocolate, they mesmerized me.  Now that she is an adult,  I see through her so much potential, different pathways lay in front of her like flowers and all she has to do is pick one.  I have and will continue to build her up show her how to see her own beauty, worth, intelligence and never ending potential to become whatever it is she chooses.  I see her blossoming discovering herself and all that she has to offer the world.  She is a marvelous gift I have been blessed with. Because of her I have learned to love myself, see my potential and been a warrior.  Everyday I will wage war against self doubt, and negativity.   My light will no longer be diminished! I have seen beauty through my daughter's eyes.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Just me

I don't usually take selfies.   Trying to do more and break out of the box get out more.


Good morning Beautiful People,  

So I haven't talked about this much but I've been detoxing from Effexor for 3 weeks now.  One of the things I would suggest avoiding is coffee.  I haven't had any in over 2 and a half weeks and broke down the other day, and boy was that a mistake.   Emotions were all over the place and the dizziness popped up for a bit.  Tried it again and wow did my withdrawal symptoms peak.  So back to the tea and other herbs.  I've also noticed that it also aggravates my fibro myalgia.   As much as I LOVE coffee, just something else on this journey I'm going to give up in order to get more out of my life.
